Welcome, my fellow movie buffs!
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There is no denying that summer is finally here – kids are out of school, the days are getting longer, the sun is out, the humidity is high, and the temps are rising, at least in Ohio. And what better way to kick off this season than with a list of must-see summer movies?
If you haven’t listened to my very first episode, I revealed that not only do I love books, but I’m also a huge movie buff. I’ve been watching and collecting movies my entire life, and recently, started keeping track of what I watch on Letterboxd, which is a movie website where you can mark what you’ve watched, make movie lists, rate and review movies, and more. I’m 13 movies away from hitting 3,000 movies that I’ve watched in all my 43 years of living. So most likely, I’ll hit that number by the end of the year.
There’s just something about stories that I love – watching them, reading them, listening to them. Doesn’t matter to me. As long as I’m engaged, involved emotionally, and captivated by interesting characters and/or a plot, then I will enjoy that story.
So like I’m a seasonal reader of books, I’m also a seasonal watcher of movies. I have a box of movies that are specific to holidays and seasons of the year, and I watch them during those specific time periods. Now that I’m feeling the summer vibes, I thought it was time to pull out my summer movies that I watch every year. There are about seven or eight movies that I routinely watch every single summer, without fail.
But, I thought it would be fun to expand this list for a more complete guide for summer movie-watching. No matter what you’re in the mood for, whether you’re looking for action-packed, big-budget blockbusters, vacations gone wrong that will make you laugh until you cry, or heartwarming, emotional chick flicks, there are plenty of amazing movies to choose from that are perfect for these warm summer months. All of these movies either take place during summer or give us hot, summer vibes. You will also see certain actors show up multiple times on the list. It’s not like I was looking for movies starring them. They just happened to be in these summer movies.
I’m also splitting up this episode into two parts because discussing 50 movies in one episode is going to get pretty long. So this is part one and then tomorrow, I will post part two.
So, let’s hop into my favorite movies to watch during the summer! (Click on the movie poster to learn more and purchase the movie.)
My Favorite 50 Summer Movies







Whew! We made it! So those are 50 movies that you can have fun watching this summer. Stay inside in the air conditioning where it’s nice and cool. I even like to make it a little colder and then curl up with a light blanket and get cozy on my couch.
I’d love to know which are your favorite movies to watch during summertime. You can head over to my post on Instagram and share in the comments.
I love watching seasonal movies and wanted to share them with you. Until next time, stay cool this summer, my friends.
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