Welcome, book friends!
If you’d prefer to listen to this book list, you can check out the full episode on The Bookmarks ‘n Blankets Podcast on your favorite podcast platform or listen below.
I’d love to know your thoughts on any of these books if you’ve read them. I invite you to hop over to my Instagram or X (aka Twitter), where you can comment.
We have come to the end of the year! I can’t believe 2023 is almost over. I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season and an even better year.
I have been watching a lot of BookTubers post their end-of-the-year videos on which were the best and worst books they read in 2023. I will also be posting four episodes in this end-of-the-year theme. In this episode, I’ll quickly mention my favorite graphic novels that I’ve read. Then I’ll post an episode on the top 10 worst books and top 10 best books that I read this year. And finally, I’ll also be doing the End of the Year Book Tag episode where I break down all my reading stats and answer a bunch of bookish/reading questions. So be on the lookout for those episodes coming very soon!
As for this episode/post, I wanted to highlight all of the graphic novels I read this year because I read a total of 36.
Before I hop into my list, for those who are new, I just learned about graphic novels this year. I always thought they were childish and juvenile or along the lines of comic books. Therefore, I never had any interest in reading these types of books. I couldn’t understand how a book with mostly pictures could be any good. Well, I was proven wrong when I decided to try one. I was blown away and have not looked back since then. I picked up my first graphic novel in June and have been reading them every month. Now, I make sure to always pick up a graphic novel each month because I love the illustrations and there are so many amazing stories. Plus, they are really quick and easy to get through.
So that’s my short backstory about graphic novels. They were quite the surprise in my reading journey this year. I never would’ve guessed how much I would fall in love with this book format. I think it helps that I’m a really visual person, so I love taking my time and admiring all the artwork. I definitely have my favorite styles that I enjoy more than others.
My Top Favorite 10 Graphic Novels of 2023
Well, there you have it. My favorite 10 graphic novels of the year. I highly recommend them all. If you’ve never given this book format a chance, try it. You’re missing out on some amazing stories with beautiful, stunning artwork. You may surprise yourself like I did and fall in love with them.
I’m really excited to pick up more in 2024. I have a short list of ones I still want to read. I haven’t seen anyone talk about what’s coming out next year, so I guess we’ll all be surprised. But I’m excited to check out some new authors and illustrators.
Happy New Year!